Thursday, 4 November 2010

Running Order

The running order is the most important document in preparation for and carrying out our radio show. It ensures that we keep the radio show on time in regards to all the other radio shows happening before and after and it also helps the presenters/co-presenters with conversation prompts and ensures that each jingle/song is played at exactly the right time. Here is a print screen of our running order that we will use in our Children in Need Show:

As you can see, the running order features the time it will be on, the ID of what the particular part of the show is (JINGLE etc), what deck the particular feature will be broadcast on (what particular microphone or channel on Myriad) and also the actual time of the particular feature. For example, the jingle for Barryoke is being played out of Channel 1 and it is exactly 5 seconds long.

Precision and planning is the key to creating a professional radio show, ensuring that everything is organised and there is no chaos in the conversation.

Alongside this running order we have written down the topics we will be talking about in the ID "CHAT". This will help us have a guideline in regards to topics we will discuss. It is important that we do not script the conversations as this will not give off the desired effect; the effect we want to pursue is a relaxed style of presenting, more suited to a group of friends in a social situation.

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